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Informace o kategorii

Učebnice angličtiny English Explorer pro čtyřdílný kurz pro studenty středních škol kombinuje komunikativní přístup k učení angličtiny s ohromujícími obrázky a videem od National Geographic. English Explorer doprovází množství doplňkových materiálů - interaktivní CD-ROM, DVD, Audio CD i CD-ROM k tvorbě testů.

English Explorer is a motivating new four-level series for students at secondary level, with a strong International focus. It combines a communicative approach to learning English with stunning National Geographic images, video and content. With English Explorer, students:

  • EXPLORE amazing places and fascinating cultures with National Geographic, bringing real people, real places, and real stories into the English language classroom.
  • LEARN how to use English to communicate effectively in the real world, by developing language skills through age-appropriate print and multimedia resources.
  • DEVELOP critical thinking and other practical, real-world skills, including study skills and writing techniques.