Assessing Languages for Specific Purposes PB

Douglas, Dan

Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 9780521585439

Kniha se zabývá zkouškami por specifické účely

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Assessing Languages for Specific Purposes PB : 9780521585439

1,101 Kč

Více o produktu

Kniha se zabývá zkouškami por specifické účely This text examines the issues surrounding the implementation of tests for specific purposes. It includes an in-depth discussion of the issues examination of the current exams literature. Ability; 3. Context Strategic competence - Between knowledge and context; 5. From Target Language Use to Test Tasks; 6. Specific Purpose Tests of Listening and Speaking; 7. Specific Purpose Tests of Reading and Writing; 8. LSP Test Development and Technology. Contents: 1. Why Test Language for Specific Purposes?; 2. Specific Purpose Language Ability; 3. Context Strategic competence - Between knowledge and context; 5. From Target Language Use to Test Tasks; 6. Specific Purpose Tests of Listening and Speaking; 7. Specific Purpose Tests of Reading and Writing; 8. LSP Test Development and Technology.

Cambridge University Press
Douglas, Dan
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