Black Cat THE OWL´S SONG ( Early Readers Level 2)

Paola Traverso

ISBN: 9788853010117

bohatě ilustrovaná zjednodušená anglická četba pro děti, vhodná i k dramatizaci ( úroveň 2) příběh z ptačí říše, dokáže sova ostatním ptáčkům, že také umí zpívat?...

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Black Cat THE OWL´S SONG ( Early Readers Level 2) : 9788853010117

133 Kč

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bohatě ilustrovaná zjednodušená anglická četba pro děti, vhodná i k dramatizaci ( úroveň 2) příběh z ptačí říše, dokáže sova ostatním ptáčkům, že také umí zpívat?... Description: Every early morning the little birds in the wood fly everywhere to wake their animal friends up. One day a big brown owl comes. He wants to join the little birds but they do not want him, because they say he is too big and ugly and he can't sing. The poor owl hides inside an old black tree. But the night comes again and... fairies arrive. It's time for the owl to sing his song. He sings beautifully! The fairies start dancing and the night becomes magic! The EARLYREAD series contains both original stories and traditional favourites, as well as some cultural readers, graded over five levels. Features of all readers are: • beautiful illustrations, which not only encourage reading but actively help children to understand the story • picture dictionaries, for active vocabulary work • fun activities and games, often for more than one participant, which practise vocabulary and structures in the story. • a recording of the whole text, either on an accompanying CD or downloadable at no charge from the Black Cat website. All the readers can be easily dramatised. The most recent titles are accompanied by playscripts which can also be downloaded free from the Black Cat website. Every early morning the little birds in the wood fly everywhere to wake their animal friends up. One day a big brown owl comes. He wants to join the little birds but they do not want him, because they say he is too big and ugly and he can't sing. The poor owl hides inside an old black tree. But the night comes again and... fairies arrive. It's time for the owl to sing his song. He sings beautifully! The fairies start dancing and the night becomes magic!

Paola Traverso
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