Christ Stopped at Eboli

Carlo Levi

ISBN: 9780141183213

Nezjednodušená beletrie v angličtině..

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Christ Stopped at Eboli : 9780141183213

318 Kč

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Nezjednodušená beletrie v angličtině.. Carlo Levi, one of the twentieth-century's most incisive commentators, was exiled to a remote and barren corner of southern Italy for his opposition to Mussolini. He entered a world cut off from history and the state, hedged in by custom and sorrow, without comfort or solace, where, eternally patient, the peasants lived in an age-old stillness and in the presence of death - for Christ did stop at Eboli.

'No message, human or divine, has reached this stubborn poverty ... to this shadowy land ... Christ did not come. Christ stopped at Eboli'

Carlo Levi
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