Common European Framework of Reference for Languages PB

Council of Europe

Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 9780521005319

Tato kniha obsahuje popis jazykových dovedností, které mají studenti jazyků zvládnout, aby byli schopni komunikovat v jiném jazyce.

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Common European Framework of Reference for Languages PB : 9780521005319

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Více o produktu

Tato kniha obsahuje popis jazykových dovedností, které mají studenti jazyků zvládnout, aby byli schopni komunikovat v jiném jazyce. This book contains a number of descriptor scales which describe the linguistic skills needed by language learners to become competent speakers of another language. Contents: 1. The Common European Framework in its political and educational context; 2. Approach adopted; 3. Common reference levels; 4. Language use and the language user/learner; 5. The competences of the user/learner; 6. Language learning and teaching; 7. The role of tasks in language learning and teaching; 8. Linguistic diversification and the curriculum; 9. Assessment

Cambridge University Press
Council of Europe
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