Dictionary Activities Paperback

Leaney, C

Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 9780521690409

Kniha je určena pro učitele angličtiny, nabízí aktivity, hry spojené s využíváním slovníku, učí tak studenty pracovat s různými druhy slovníků

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Dictionary Activities Paperback : 9780521690409

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Kniha je určena pro učitele angličtiny, nabízí aktivity, hry spojené s využíváním slovníku, učí tak studenty pracovat s různými druhy slovníků Dictionary Activities is a fantastic teaching resource which helps students get to know their dictionaries by explaining dictionary features and how to navigate them. The book also covers more complex topics such as collocations, idioms and wordbuilding. Dictionary Activities also looks at the use of electronic dictionaries and other non-standard specialized dictionaries such as picture dictionaries. In addition to providing over 90 dictionary activities to use in the language classroom, this book is also invaluable to any teacher who wants to improve their own knowledge of how dictionaries work. Dictionary Activities contains eight chapters which deal with: Confidence and dictionary skills-building activities, vocabulary-building activities, grammar activities, pronunciation activities, reading and writing activities, quick activities, CD-ROM and electronic dictionary activities and specialized dictionaries. A wealth of ideas for building dictionary skills in class and making the most of dictionaries as a teaching resource.

Cambridge University Press
Leaney, C
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