Focus on Form in Classroom Second Language Acquisition PB

Doughty & Williams (Eds)

Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 9780521625517

kniha se zaměřuje na formu jazykového vzdělávání ve třídě

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Focus on Form in Classroom Second Language Acquisition PB : 9780521625517

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Více o produktu

kniha se zaměřuje na formu jazykového vzdělávání ve třídě This volume examines theoretical foundations range of possible pedagogical implementations of focus on form in classroom language teaching. and practice; focus on form through conscious reflection; beyond focus on form; focus on form in the classroom; getting the learners' attention; communicative focus on form; FonF: what kind of focus and on which forms?; the role of form-focused tasks in promoting the second language acquisition of children in grade 2; the importance of timing in focus on form; pedagogical choices in focus on form. Contents: Theoretical foundations of focus on form; focus on form - theory research and practice; focus on form through conscious reflection; beyond focus on form; focus on form in the classroom; getting the learners' attention; communicative focus on form; FonF: what kind of focus and on which forms?; the role of form-focused tasks in promoting the second language acquisition of children in grade 2; the importance of timing in focus on form; pedagogical choices in focus on form.

Cambridge University Press
Doughty & Williams (Eds)
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