Football Sticker Book

Usborne Publishing
ISBN: 9781409510277

A sporty sticker book full of scenes to fill with over 350 colourful stickers including footballers at the training ground, getting ready for the match and a victory parade. Also contains blank football kit stickers for children to colour in with their favourite team stripe

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Football Sticker Book : 9781409510277

175 Kč

Více o produktu

A sporty sticker book full of scenes to fill with over 350 colourful stickers including footballers at the training ground, getting ready for the match and a victory parade. Also contains blank football kit stickers for children to colour in with their favourite team stripe

A sporty sticker book full of scenes to fill with over 350 colourful stickers including footballers at the training ground, getting ready for the match and a victory parade. Also contains blank football kit stickers for children to colour in with their favourite team stripe


Usborne Publishing
Rok vydání
Počet stran
34 pages, full colour illustrations throughout
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