Genres Across the Disciplines

Nesi, Hilary & Gardner, Sheena

Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 9780521149594

Kniha předstvuje přehled úrovně písemného projevu na výsokých školách různých oborů

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Genres Across the Disciplines : 9780521149594

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Kniha předstvuje přehled úrovně písemného projevu na výsokých školách různých oborů Genres across the Disciplines presents the first detailed descriptive account of assessed writing in UK higher education sectors across more than 30 disciplines, from first year undergraduate to postgraduate level. The authors apply a sophisticated framework to examine how the core functions of explaining, developing arguments, reporting research and preparing for professional life shape the writing produced by university students. Contents: Part I. Overview: 1. The role of student writing in university degree programmes (prior research, importance, approach to study) 2. Families of genres of assessed writing (including tables indicating distribution of genre families and genres across disciplines and years of study) Part II. Functions of University Student Writing: 3. Understanding and explaining (explanations, exercise) 4. Developing arguments (critiques, essays) 5. Preparing for professional practice (case studies, problem questions, design specifications, proposals) 6. Developing research skills (literature surveys, methodology recounts, research reports) Part III. University Student Writing and Personal Development: 7. The role of reflection 8. Creativity and contextual metaphor ((narrative recounts and empathy writing) Conclusion: tradition and innovation in university student writing References Index (including references to the disciplines represented in the BAWE corpus).

Cambridge University Press
Nesi, Hilary & Gardner, Sheena
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