H. R. H.

Danielle Steel

ISBN: 9780552151825

originální anglická četba

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H. R. H. : 9780552151825

223 Kč

Více o produktu

originální anglická četba The conflict between the old world and the new…between responsibility and freedom…between duty and love…

Princess Christianna, happier in jeans and a sweatshirt than in the formal life of European royalty, leaves university to travel to East Africa as a volunteer for the Red Cross. Determined to make a difference, she plunges into the dusty, bustling life of an international relief camp, and is anxious to keep her identity a secret from her fellow aid workers.

Dr Parker Williams, who works alongside Christianna and shares her dedication to healing, has no idea who she is – but as violence approaches and invades the camp, and the pressures of her royal life beckon her home, her struggle for freedom takes an extraordinary turn.

By a simple twist of fate, in one shocking moment, Christianna’s life is changed for ever – in ways she could never have foreseen.

Danielle Steel
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