Insights from the Common European Framework

Keith Morrow

Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780194309509

The Common European Framework - Společný evropský referenční rámec je jedním z nejambicióznějších projektů podniknutý v oblasti jazykového vzdělávání.

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Insights from the Common European Framework : 9780194309509

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The Common European Framework - Společný evropský referenční rámec je jedním z nejambicióznějších projektů podniknutý v oblasti jazykového vzdělávání.

Description: The Common European Framework is one of the most ambitious projects ever undertaken in the field of language education.

This book:
- explains the background to the Framework
- clarifies its contents
- explores some of its possible implications
- provides concrete example of ways in which it has been used.
Contents: Acknowledgements
Background to the CEF Keith Morrow
Why the CEF is important Frank Heyworth
Helping learners to learn: portfolios, self-assessment, and strategy instruction
The European Language Portfolio Peter Lenz
Learning to learn with the CEF Luciano Mariani
The CEF in course design and in teacher education
The CEF and secondary school syllabus Julia Keddle
The CEF in pre- and in-service teacher education Hanna Komorowska
Finding out what learners can do
Using the CEF to promote language learning through diagnostic testing Ari Huhta and Neus Figueras
Relating assessments, examinations, and courses to the CEF Brian North
Designing syllabus and materials
Case study 1: Using the CEF to develop an ESL curriculum for newcomer pupils in Irish primary schools David Little and Barbara Lazenby Simpson
Case study 2: Using the CEF to develop English courses for teenagers at the British Council Milan Andrew Manasseh
Case study 3: Using the CEF to develop English courses for adults at the University of Gloucestershire Piers Wall
Reference documents: extracts from the CEF

Oxford University Press
Keith Morrow
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