Insights into Second Language Reading PB

Koda, Keiko

Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 9780521545136

kniha pro učitele obsahuje důkladnou analýzu několika rozměrů čtení v cizím jazyce

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Insights into Second Language Reading PB : 9780521545136

997 Kč

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kniha pro učitele obsahuje důkladnou analýzu několika rozměrů čtení v cizím jazyce Reading is a multi-faceted, complex construct, and its complexity increases in second-language reading. In this critical volume, Keiko Koda provides an in-depth analysis of second language readings' multiple dimensions, presenting syntheses of current research on first and second language reading. She applies cross-linguistic analyses of the research, and she explores potential new directions for expanding current research paradigms. Insights into Second Language Reading has remarkable scope, ranging from issues in visual word recognition and text structure, encompassing theoretical issues pertaining to lexical and synctatic decoding mechanisms, and covering practical issues concerning assessment and teaching In synthesizing current research findings, Keiko Koda demonstrates how the complex phenomenon of reading can be systematically studied. Providing ways for enhancing literacy acquisition, second-language learning, and bilingual processing, Insights into Second Language Reading serves as a useful guide for graduate students, college professors, researchers, and foreign language teachers. Contents: Part I. Theoretical Foundations: 1. Introduction; 2. Theoretical underpinnings; Part II. Essential Components: 3. Word recognition; 4. Vocabulary knowledge; 5. Intraword awareness and word-knowledge development; 6. Information integration in sentence processing; 7. Discourse processing; 8. Text structure and comprehension; Part III. Looking at the Whole: 9. Individual differences; 10. Developing strategic reading; Part IV. Theory into Practice: 11. Comprehension assessment; 12. Comprehension instruction.

Cambridge University Press
Koda, Keiko
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