LCCI Testbuilder 2 + Audio CD Pack

Payton, Colin

ISBN: 9780230733893

čtyři kompletní testy pro obchodní angličtinu Level 1,2 a 3 zkoušky z EDI Ideální pro samostudium nebo použití ve třídě + Audio CD

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846 Kč * 995 Kč

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LCCI Testbuilder 2 + Audio CD Pack : 9780230733893

846 Kč

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čtyři kompletní testy pro obchodní angličtinu Level 1,2 a 3 zkoušky z EDI Ideální pro samostudium nebo použití ve třídě + Audio CD Description: Contains four complete reading and writing tests and material for two listening tests and speaking tests (optional parts of the exam) for the English for Business Level 1,2 and 3 exams from EDI. Tests that Teach This popular series is designed to help improve students' exam performance. The exam-based exercises will familiarise any student with the tasks they will face in the test, boosting their confi dence and leading them towards successful results. Ideal for self-study or classroom use, the KET, PET, FCE, CAE and New Proficiency Testbuilders are available with or without the answer key. The answer key also includes clear explanations and analysis of model answers. Key features of the series * Four complete practice tests refl ecting exactly the level of exam and the types of task the students will face * A full range of exam task types * Guidance pages and tips for each part of the individual exam papers * Focus on common problem areas * Guided analysis of sample answers

Payton, Colin
paperback + Audio CD
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