Night Train to Lisbon (film)

Mercier, Pascal

Atlantic Books (UK)
ISBN: 9781782390893

Anglická originální četba pro dospělé - Raimund Gregorius, učitel na švýcarském gymnáziu v Bernu, je odborníkem na staré jazyky, řečtinu, latinu a hebrejštinu. Jednoho dne se setká s tajemnou ženou, která ho dovede k nákupu tajemného textu od Amadeu de Prado. Gregorius opouští své místo učitele a...

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Night Train to Lisbon (film) : 9781782390893

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Anglická originální četba pro dospělé - Raimund Gregorius, učitel na švýcarském gymnáziu v Bernu, je odborníkem na staré jazyky, řečtinu, latinu a hebrejštinu. Jednoho dne se setká s tajemnou ženou, která ho dovede k nákupu tajemného textu od Amadeu de Prado. Gregorius opouští své místo učitele a odjíždí do Lisabonu, kde se snaží dozvědět více o Amadeu de Prado ... This is the phenomenal international bestseller, now in paperback. 'A treat for the mind. One of the best books I have read in a long time' - Isabel Allende.Raimund Gregorius is a mild-mannered, middle-aged professor of ancient languages. One morning, as he is teaching, he is seized by a restlessness that drives him to abandon his classroom then and there - shocking his students, and surprising even himself. His unusual impulsiveness is driven by two chance encounters - with a mysterious Portuguese woman in a red coat; and with a book he finds hidden in a dusty corner of a second-hand bookshop, the journal of an enigmatic Portuguese aristocrat, Amadeu de Prado.With the book as his talisman, Raimund boards the night train to Lisbon on a journey to find out more about Prado, whose words haunt and compel him. Gradually, a picture of an extraordinary man emerges: a difficult, brilliant, charismatic figure, a doctor and a poet, and a rebel against Salazar's dictatorship. And as Prado's story comes to light so, too, Gregorius himself begins his life anew. Hurtling through the dark, "Night Train to Lisbon" is a rich tale, wonderfully told, propelled by the mystery at its heart.

Atlantic Books (UK)
Mercier, Pascal
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