Oxford Applied Linguistics The Multilingual Subject

Kramsch, Claire

Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780194424783

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Oxford Applied Linguistics The Multilingual Subject : 9780194424783

1,052 Kč

Více o produktu

kniha pro učitele Description: By drawing on multiple examples of realworld language learning situations, this book explores the subjective aspects of the language learning experience. The author encourages readers to consider language learning from new, diverse, and unique perspectives. The book analyses data from a variety of sources, including language memoirs, online data from language learners in chat rooms, and text messaging exchanges. In the analysis of this data, the book looks at: * The relationship between symbolic form and the development of a multilingual subjectivity. * Links with memory, emotion, and the imagination. * The implications for language teaching pedagogy.

Oxford University Press
Kramsch, Claire
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