Oxford Handbooks for Language Teachers Doing Task-Based Teaching

Willis, D & J

Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780194422109

Tato kniha poskytuje řadů úkolů vhodných pro všechny úrovně studentů s použitím jak psané, tak i mluvené angličtiny.

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Oxford Handbooks for Language Teachers Doing Task-Based Teaching : 9780194422109

764 Kč

Více o produktu

Tato kniha poskytuje řadů úkolů vhodných pro všechny úrovně studentů s použitím jak psané, tak i mluvené angličtiny.

Description: There is currently enormous interest in task-based teaching and learning. But some teachers are still unsure of how to put it into practice. This book gives examples of a range of task sequences suitable for all levels of learners, using both written and spoken English. The advice is based firmly in the classroom and includes contributions from teachers from around the world who are enthusiastic about task-based teaching. It takes account of research into language learning, and is ideal for both practising teachers and those on TEFL/TESOL courses.

Key features
Readable, practical guide to designing, creating and using tasks and task sequences.
Accessible explanation of the basic principles behind task-based learning and teaching.
Examples of tasks and lesson plans from classrooms worldwide suitable for all learner levels.
Sample materials illustrating a three-way focus on meaning, language and form.
Guidance on adapting course materials to include a task-based element and advice on overcoming typical problems.

Oxford University Press
Willis, D & J
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