Oxford World´s Classics - C19 English Literature The Professor

Charlotte Brontë

Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780199536672

nové vydání klasické anglické četby

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Oxford World´s Classics - C19 English Literature The Professor : 9780199536672

263 Kč

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nové vydání klasické anglické četby

The Professor (1845-6), written before Jane Eyre, challenged contemporary expectations of the novel by its brevity, realism, and insistence on a working career both before and after marriage for its hero and heroine. Strikingly up to date for its period, the action begins against a background of the fight for better factory conditions in the 1830s, and finishes in the early 1840s with the spread of liberal ideas which led to the continental revolutions of 1848.

This edition is based directly on the author's fair copy manuscript, and also includes `Emma', Charlotte Brontë's last, unfinished attempt to write a novel after Villette.

Oxford University Press
Charlotte Brontë
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