Oxford World´s Classics Don Juan and Other Plays


Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780199540228

klasická francouzská literatura v anglickém překladu

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Oxford World´s Classics Don Juan and Other Plays : 9780199540228

378 Kč

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klasická francouzská literatura v anglickém překladu

Contains: Don Juan, Precious Provincials, The Reluctant Doctor, George Dandin, The Miser, The Would-be Gentleman, Scapin the Schemer
Since the second half of the seventeenth century, when Moli`re composed and performed his comedies, scarcely a decade has passed in which they have not been revived, imitated, or adapted; their appeal to twenty-first century audiences remains as great as to their initial public. This selection of seven of Moli`re's prose plays shows his versatility and indicates the reason for his enduring popularity. Whether he writes in a strictly defined historical context (as in Precious Provincials or The Would-be Gentleman) or whether he sets his plays in an almost mythical world (as in Don Juan); whether his plays are exuberant celebrations of light heartedness, ingenuity, and wit (The Reluctant Doctor and Scapin the Schemer) or whether they come closer in spirit to black humour (The Miser and George Dandin), they remain as fresh and vivid as ever.

Oxford University Press
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