Oxford World´s Classics Jonathan Wild

Henry Fielding Claude Rawson, Linda Bree, and Hugh Amory

Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780199549757

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Oxford World´s Classics Jonathan Wild : 9780199549757

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nové vydání klasické anglické četby 'he carried Good-nature to that wonderful and uncommon Height, that he never did a single Injury to Man or Woman, by which he himself did not expect to reap some Advantage'

The real-life Jonathan Wild, gangland godfather and self-styled 'Thieftaker General', controlled much of the London underworld until he was executed for his crimes in 1725. Even during his lifetime his achievements attracted attention; after his death balladeers sang of his exploits, and satirists made connections between his success and the triumph of corruption in high places. Henry Fielding built on these narratives to produce one of the greatest sustained satires in the English language. Published in 1743, at a time when the modern novel had yet to establish itself as a fixed literary form, Jonathan Wild is at the same time a brilliant black comedy, an incisive political satire, and a profoundly serious exploration of human 'greatness' and 'goodness'.

Oxford University Press
Henry Fielding Claude Rawson, Linda Bree, and Hugh Amory
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