Oxford World´s Classics - Medieval English Literature York Mystery Plays


Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780199552535

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Oxford World´s Classics - Medieval English Literature York Mystery Plays : 9780199552535

343 Kč

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nové vydání klasické anglické četby

  • The only edition of the major York plays in modern spelling
This volume offers 22 of the central pageants which make up York's famous Corpus Christi cycle. The York cycle is the oldest and best-known of the English mystery cycles, and its depth and scope are reflected in the selection printed here. The shape of the cycle was governed by subject matter of enduring spiritual significance, both to its contemporary audience and in later literary and artistic tradition, and the selection reflects these concerns. Included are plays on the Creation, the Fall of Man, the Incarnation, Passion, and Resurrection of Christ, and the Last Judgement. The Passion sequence has been expanded by six of the eight plays generally attributed to the great poetic dramatist known as the York Realist: the authentic text of these plays is not otherwise available in paperback. As well as providing detailed annotation, this edition offers an introduction which examines the history of the cycle and discusses the immensely popular modern productions in York and elsewhere.

Oxford University Press
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