Oxford World´s Classics Rameau´s Nephew and First Satire

Denis Diderot

Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780199539994

nové vydání klasické anglické četby

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Oxford World´s Classics Rameau´s Nephew and First Satire : 9780199539994

343 Kč

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nové vydání klasické anglické četby Diderot's brilliant and witty dialogue begins with a chance encounter in a Paris café between two acquaintances. Their talk ranges broadly across art, music, education, and the contemporary scene, as the nephew of composer Rameau, amoral and bohemian, alternately shocks and amuses the moral, bourgeois figure of his interlocutor. Exuberant and highly entertaining, the dialogue exposes the corruption of society in Diderot's characteristic philosophical exploration.

The debates of the French Enlightenment speak to us vividly in this sparkling new translation, which also includes the First Satire , a related work that provides the context for Rameau's Nephew, Diderot's 'second satire'.

Oxford University Press
Denis Diderot
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