Oxford World´s Classics Robinson Crusoe

Daniel Defoe

Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780199553976

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Oxford World´s Classics Robinson Crusoe : 9780199553976

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nové vydání klasické anglické četby I made him know his Name should be Friday, which was the Day I sav'd his Life...I likewise taught him to say Master'

Robinson Crusoe's seafaring adventures are abruptly ended when he is shipwrecked, the solitary survivor on a deserted island. He gradually creates a life for himself, building a house, cultivating the land, and making a companion from the native whose life he saves.

Daniel Defoe's enthralling story-telling and imaginatively detailed descriptions have ensured that his fiction masquerading as fact remains one of the most famous stories in English literature. On one level a simple adventure story, the novel also raises profound questions about moral and spiritual values, society, and man's abiding acquisitiveness. This new edition includes a scintillating Introduction and notes that illuminate the historical context.

Oxford University Press
Daniel Defoe
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