Oxford World´s Classics The Ambassadors

Henry James

Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780199538546

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Oxford World´s Classics The Ambassadors : 9780199538546

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nové vydání klasické anglické četby

Lambert Strether, a mild middle-aged American of no particular achievements, is dispatched to Paris from the manufacturing empire of Woollett, Massachusetts. The mission conferred on him by his august patron, Mrs Newsome, is to discover what, or who, is keeping her son Chad in the notorious city of pleasure, and to bring him home. But Strether finds Chad transformed by the influence of a remarkable woman; and as the Parisian spring advances, he himself succumbs to the allure of the 'vast bright Babylon' and to the mysterious charm of Madame de Vionnet.
The text of this Oxford World's Classics paperback is that of the New York edition, with James's Preface.

Oxford University Press
Henry James
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