Oxford World´s Classics The Complete Odes and Epodes


Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780199555277

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Oxford World´s Classics The Complete Odes and Epodes : 9780199555277

343 Kč

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nové vydání klasické anglické četby Horace (65-8 BC) is one of the most important and brilliant poets of the Augustan Age of Latin literature whose influence on European literature is unparalleled.

Horace's Odes and Epodes constitute a body of Latin poetry equalled only by Virgil's, astonishing us with leaps of sense and rich modulation, masterly metaphor, and exquisite subtlety. The Epodes include proto-Augustan poems, intent on demonstrating the tolerance, humour and the humanity of the new leaders of Rome, robust love poems, and poems of violent denunciation; the Odes echo Greek lyric poetry, reflecting on war, politics and the gods, and celebrating the pleasures of wine, friendship, love, poetry and music. Steeped in allusion to contemporary affairs, Horace's verse is best read in terms of his changing relationship to the public sphere, and David West's superb new translation is supplemented by a lucid introduction illuminating these complexities, extensive notes, a chronological survey and a glossary of names.

Oxford University Press
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