Oxford World´s Classics The Female Quixote or The Adventures of Arabella

Charlotte Lennox

Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780199540242

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Oxford World´s Classics The Female Quixote or The Adventures of Arabella : 9780199540242

343 Kč

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nové vydání klasické anglické četby

The Female Quixote (1752), a vivacious and ironical novel parodying the style of Cervantes, portrays the beautiful and aristocratic Arabella, whose passion for reading romances leads her into all manner of misunderstandings.

Praised by Fielding, Richardson and Samuel Johnson, the book quickly established Charlotte Lennox as a foremost writer of the Novel of Sentiment. With an excellent introduction and full explanatory notes, this edition will be of particular interest to students of women's literature, and of the eighteenth-century novel.

Oxford University Press
Charlotte Lennox
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