Oxford World´s Classics The Roaring Girl and Other City Comedies

Thomas Dekker, George Chapman, John Marston, Ben Jonson and Thomas Middleton

Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780199540105

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Oxford World´s Classics The Roaring Girl and Other City Comedies : 9780199540105

422 Kč

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nové vydání klasické anglické četby This excellent volume brings together four of the most popular, most frequently studied and performed comedies that depict city life, by Thomas Dekker, Thomas Middleton, Ben Jonson and their contemporaries. Included are The Roaring Girl , The Shoemaker's Holiday , Eastward Ho! , and Every Man in His Humour . The text is freshly edited using modern spelling. A critical introduction, a wide-ranging annotation, and an informative bibliography illuminate the plays' cultural contexts and theatrical potential for reader and performer alike.

Oxford University Press
Thomas Dekker, George Chapman, John Marston, Ben Jonson and Thomas Middleton
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