Pearson English Readers 2 Dragonheart MP3 Audio CD

ISBN: 9781408284971

zjednodušená anglická četba pro dospělé a mládež - úroveň Elementary Young Prince Einon is dying. Only the Great Dragon can help him! But first the boy has to say, ´I won´t be a cruel king. I´ll love my people and be kind to them.´ But Einon is cruel, and everybody in the country is afraid. Now...

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Pearson English Readers 2 Dragonheart MP3 Audio CD : 9781408284971

199 Kč

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zjednodušená anglická četba pro dospělé a mládež - úroveň Elementary Young Prince Einon is dying. Only the Great Dragon can help him! But first the boy has to say, ´I won´t be a cruel king. I´ll love my people and be kind to them.´ But Einon is cruel, and everybody in the country is afraid. Now the Dragon, good Sir Bowen and the peasants have to fight in a great battle between Good and Bad.


Rok vydání
A2 Elementary