Pragmatics in Language Teaching

Rose, K. & Kasper, G.

Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 9780521008587

Kniha představuje náhled do vývoje výuky jazyků

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Pragmatics in Language Teaching : 9780521008587

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Kniha představuje náhled do vývoje výuky jazyků This book addresses the acquisition of pragmatics in second and foreign language classrooms, offering two state-of-the-art survey chapters, and eleven chapters reporting the results of empirical research. All chapters have been written especially for this collection. The empirical studies cover three areas: incidental acquisition of pragmatics in instructed contexts, the effects of instruction in pragmatics, and the assessment of pragmatics ability. The studies address a number of areas in pragmatics, from speech acts and discourse markers to conversational routines and address terms, and represent a range of target languages and contexts in the US, Asia, and Europe. A wide array of research methodologies are also employed, from questionnaires to in-depth interviews and conversation analysis. The first collection of its kind, Pragmatics in Language Teaching offers a comprehensive and essential introduction to a rapidly growing area, and should be of interest to researchers and language teachers alike. Contents: 1. Pragmatics in language teaching; 2. Evaluating the empirical evidence: Grounds for instruction in pragmatics?; 3. Classroom research on interlanguage pragmatics; Pragmatic and grammatical awareness: A function of learning environment?; 5. Why can't learners of JFL distinguish polite form impolite speech styles?; 6. A longitudinal study of the development of expression of alignment in JFL; 7. Acquiring French interactional norms through instruction; 8. Inductive and deductive teaching of compliments and compliment responses; 9. The role of input enhancement in developing pragmatic competence; 10. Explicit and implicit teaching of pragmatic routines: Japanese sumimasen; 11. Explicit instruction and JFL learners' use of interactional discourse markers; 12. Use of address terms on the German Speaking Test; 13. Indicators for pragmatic instruction: Some quantitative tools; 14 Pragmatics tests: Different purposes, different tests.

Cambridge University Press
Rose, K. & Kasper, G.
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