Speaking Extra Book + Audio CD

Gammidge, Mike

Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 9780521754644

Speaking Extra se zaměřuje na dovednost mluvení, pomocí hraní rolí, řešení problémů, hádanek, her, rozhovorů, vyprávění a diskuzi rozvíjí u studentů komunikaci v angličtině nenásilnou přirozenou formou. Elementary až Upper-intermediate. - kniha s poslechovým CD

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Speaking Extra Book + Audio CD : 9780521754644

1,313 Kč

Více o produktu

Speaking Extra se zaměřuje na dovednost mluvení, pomocí hraní rolí, řešení problémů, hádanek, her, rozhovorů, vyprávění a diskuzi rozvíjí u studentů komunikaci v angličtině nenásilnou přirozenou formou. Elementary až Upper-intermediate. - kniha s poslechovým CD

This lively resource book encourages students to expand their speaking skills using role play, problem solving, puzzles, games, interviews, storytelling and discussion. Many of the speaking activities are supported by the accompanying audio CD and the recording script section at the back of the resource book.


1Personal Information:1.1 What about you?;1.2 Life experience;1.3 Spy Catcher;2The family: 2.1 She's got her dad's eyes; 2.2 Family tensions; 2.3 Family values; 3 Daily activities: 3.1 Whose Saturday?;3.2 Are you in touch with your body clock?; 3.3 Beyond the routine; 4 Homes:4.1 House doctor; 4.2 A perfect home; 4.3 A messy home means a messy mind; 5 Town and country:5.1 A nice neighbourhood;5.2 Then and now;5.3 A business proposition;6 Travel and tourism:6.1 Hotels;6.2 Traveller's tales; 6.3 Life's an adventure!;7 Food and drink:7.1 Recipes;7.2 Menu, please; 7.3 Food for thought; 8 Describing people:8.1 Lost!;8.2 Who's who?;8.3Star quality; 9 Describing things: 9.1 Can you describe it?; 9.2 Lost property;9.3 In your mind's eye; 10 Friends and relationships: 10.1 What kind of friend are you?; 10.2 Moral dilemmas;10.3 What are friends for?; 11 Health and fitness: 11.1 Well-being;11.2 Healthy, wealthy and wise; 11.3 First Aid;12 Leisure time: 12.1 What's on?; 12.2 Focus on leisure; 12.3 Leisure centre;13 Education:13.1Learning to learn;13.2 The best years of your life; 13.3 A preparation for life; 14 The world of work:14.1 Why work?;14.2 The right person for the job; 14.3 Great perks!; 15 Money: 15.1 Sale or exchange; 15.2 Common currency; 15.3It's all about image;16 Past experiences and stories:16.1 Really?; 16.2 Interruptions;16.3 Small ads; 17 Science and technology: 17.1 Gizmos and gadgets; 17.2 It'll never happen;17.3 It will change our lives;18 Social and environmental issues: 18.1 How green are you?; 18.2 Pressure group; 18.3 Keeping an open mind

Cambridge University Press
Gammidge, Mike
Book + Audio CD
Rok vydání
A2 - B2 - Elementary - Upper-Intermediate