
Wajnryb, Ruth

Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 9780521001601

Kniha pro učitele nabízí možnosti využití příběhu v hodinách angličtiny

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Stories : 9780521001601

723 Kč

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Kniha pro učitele nabízí možnosti využití příběhu v hodinách angličtiny Stories - Narrative Activities for the Language Classroom enables teachers to explore storytelling as discourse in the language classroom and provides examples of meaningful activities which can easily be used in a range of situations.

The book has two main sections, an introduction which oultines the conceptual framework of narrative and an activities section which offers lesson frames for working in the classroom.

Stories is for teachers of adults, both young and old, and will be of interest to both native and non-native speaking teachers.

Cambridge University Press
Wajnryb, Ruth
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Learner Autonomy

Learner Autonomy

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