Study Tasks in English Teacher´s Book

Waters, Mary & Alan

Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 9780521469081

Kompletní kurz angličtiny pro akademické účely na středně pokročilé a pokročilé úrovni - učitelská kniha

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Study Tasks in English Teacher´s Book : 9780521469081

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Kompletní kurz angličtiny pro akademické účely na středně pokročilé a pokročilé úrovni - učitelská kniha This course aims to help students from intermediate level upwards to develop the skills needed for English-medium study at post-secondary level. The book focuses on building competence through induction and discovery features study practice and a self-assessment section. through; Unit 3: Asking critical questions; Part B: Specific Skills; Unit 4: Finding information; Unit 5: Taking and making notes; Unit 6: Coping with extended English; Unit 7: Taking part in discussions; Unit 8: Getting started on writing; Unit 9: Getting the writing right; Unit 10: Coping with research; Unit 11: Getting to grips with assessment; Part C: Study Practice; Unit 12: Transportation in urban areas; Unit 13: Crime in the modern world; Unit 14: Communication and the media; Unit 15: Study in an academic context; Part D: Study Information; Study Skills Profile.
Contents: Part A : General Skills; Unit 1: How do I learn?; Unit 2: Thinking it through; Unit 3: Asking critical questions; Part B : Specific Skills; Unit 4: Finding information; Unit 5: Taking and making notes; Unit 6: Coping with extended English; Unit 7: Taking part in discussions; Unit 8: Getting started on writing; Unit 9: Getting the writing right; Unit 10: Coping with research; Unit 11: Getting to grips with assessment; Part C : Study Practice; Unit 12: Transportation in urban areas; Unit 13: Crime in the modern world; Unit 14: Communication and the media; Unit 15: Study in an academic context; Part D : Study Information; Study Skills Profile.

Cambridge University Press
Waters, Mary & Alan
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