Teaching Online

Hockly, Nicky & Clandfield, Lindsay

ISBN: 9783125013551

Kniha pro učitele se komplexně zabývá nástroji a technikou nezbytnou pro on-line jazykovou výuku. Autoři se podělili o své bohaté zkušenosti s výukou jak plně online, tak se smíšenými kurzy.

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659 Kč * 749 Kč

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Teaching Online : 9783125013551

659 Kč

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Kniha pro učitele se komplexně zabývá nástroji a technikou nezbytnou pro on-line jazykovou výuku. Autoři se podělili o své bohaté zkušenosti s výukou jak plně online, tak se smíšenými kurzy. Description: Teaching Online is essential reading for any teacher interested in online teaching and course delivery. It deals comprehensively with both the tools and the techniques necessary for online language instruction. It is a clear, accessible and reassuringly practical book in which the authors share their wealth of experience in teaching both fully online and blended courses.

Teaching Online contains three distinctive parts A, B and C which focus in turn on theory, practice and development:

• Getting started and building your own online course
• The essentials of successful teaching, from course sites to course behaviour
• A comprehensive list of tools to teach online, from blogs to word clouds

• A bank of practical activities that cover the four skills, language work and evaluation
• Special sections for activities to begin and finish an online course
• Comments on how to make your online teaching more effective

• Avenues and references for online teacher development
• Web 2.0 tools that connect with a worldwide community of teachers
• The concept of the PLN (personal learning network) for teachers

Hockly, Nicky & Clandfield, Lindsay
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