The Developing Teacher

Foord, Duncan

ISBN: 9783125013582

Kniha se zaměřuje na další rozvoj učitelů a jejich praxe.

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Individuální kalkulace pro školy a instituce.

659 Kč * 749 Kč

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The Developing Teacher : 9783125013582

659 Kč

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Kniha se zaměřuje na další rozvoj učitelů a jejich praxe.

Description: Practical activities for professional development

The Developing Teacher believes that teachers themselves are the most powerful agents of change and development in their own professional career. It is ideal for teachers who wish to take control of their own development, for those people in positions of responsibility for teacher development, and for complementing courses in language teacher education.

The Developing Teacher contains three distinctive parts A, B and C which focus in turn on theory, practice and development:

• An examination of different aspects and issues in teacher development.
• A discussion of how teachers learn and what prevents teachers from learning.
• A survey of the literature on language teacher development, helpful for those studying MA or Diploma courses on the subject.

• A bank of activities organised into five circles of expanding development, embracing all aspects of the language teacher's life.
• Activities that take little time, often adding 'a developmental twist' to regular classroom practice
• Procedures that follow a step-by-step outline, making them easy to understand at a glance - perfect for the busy teacher.

• A view of further teacher development, promoting reflective practice.
• Longer-term projects - diary, portfolio and teacher development programme.
• Step-by-step guides to each project, enabling and empowering teachers to commit to their continuing development.

Foord, Duncan
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