Writing Extra Book

Palmer, Graham

Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 9780521532877

Studenti jsou vedeni krok-za-krokem ke správnému nácviku dovednosti psaní prostřednictvím řady motivačních aktivit, jako je hraní rolí, diskuse, hry a textové analýzy. Elementary až Upper-intermediate.

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Writing Extra Book : 9780521532877

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Více o produktu

Studenti jsou vedeni krok-za-krokem ke správnému nácviku dovednosti psaní prostřednictvím řady motivačních aktivit, jako je hraní rolí, diskuse, hry a textové analýzy. Elementary až Upper-intermediate.

Students are led step-by-step to a definite written outcome through a range of motivating activities such as role plays, discussions, games and text analysis. Each activity provides a meaningful context for real-world writing tasks such as writing e-mails, reports, letters, CVs and diaries. The book encourages students to look at the process of writing, thus developing their awareness of structure, content and their target audience.


Unit 1 Personal information: 1.1 Pickpocket!;1.2 Who's who; 1.3 Jobsearch; Unit 2 The family: 2.1 Dinner's in the oven; 2.2 Trouble with the in-laws; 2.3 Family matters; Unit 3 Daily activities: 3.1 Nothing happened today; 3.2 Prison: doing time...; 3.3 Murder mystery; Unit 4 Homes: 4.1 Designer kitchen; 4.2 Holiday house-swap; 4.3 The student house; Unit 5 Town and country: 5.1 Get lost!; 5.2 The news on the street; 5.3 The big move; Unit 6 Travel and tourism: 6.1 Wish you were here; 6.2 Paradise tours; 6.3 FAQs: frequently asked questions; Unit 7 Food and drink: 7.1 A lovely meal;7.2 The greasy spoon; 7.3 Black or white?; Unit 8 8.1 Virtually friends; 8.2 Business contacts; 8.3 A different shape of hands; Unit 9 Describing things: 9.1 Internet bargains; 9.2 It's a whatsit; 9.3 Dream limo; Unit 10 Friends and relationships: 10.1 Dear John; 10.2 Soap opera; 10.3 Who gets the children?; Unit 11 Health and fitness: 11.1 More gain, less pain; 11.2 First aid; 11.3 The donor campaign; Unit 12 Leisure time: 12.1 Leisure for all; 12.2 I win!; 12.3 A really good read; Unit 13 Education:13.1 A likely excuse; 13.2 Writing Class; 13.3 Cyberstudy; Unit 14 The world of work: 14.1 Trouble with telesales;14.2 What do you do?;14.3 Mr Don't Know; Unit 15 Money: 15.1 Credit cards; 15.2 Shopping by post; 15.3 Can't pay; won't pay; Unit 16 Past experiences and stories: 16.1 One thing led to another; 16.2 The six friends; 16.3 The storyteller; Unit 17 Science and technology: 17.1 Short circuit; 17.2 It's amazing; 17.3 www.worldwideweb?; Unit 18 Social and environmental issues: 18.1 Planning problems; 18.2 Campaign, not complain; 18.3 Water: a clear solution

Cambridge University Press
Palmer, Graham
Rok vydání
A2 - B2 - Elementary - Upper-intermediate