Pearson English Readers 4 Dr Faustus

Christopher Marlowe

ISBN: 9781405867757

zjednodušená anglická četba - úroveň 4 - Doktor Faustus je chtivý po moci, uzavírá proto smlouvu s ďáblem...

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Pearson English Readers 4 Dr Faustus : 9781405867757

231 Kč

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zjednodušená anglická četba - úroveň 4 - Doktor Faustus je chtivý po moci, uzavírá proto smlouvu s ďáblem...

Doctor Faustus is a clever man who is greedy for knowledge and power. After he signs an agreement with the Devil, in his own blood, his new skills are admired around the world. But there are two sides to an agreement with the Devil. There is a price to pay... Penguin Readers are written by specialist ELT authors. The language, vocabulary, style and content of every book is carefully graded to make sure it suits the learner's own language ability. Every Penguin Reader has a range of activities in the book and accompanying Factsheet to help increase comprehension and develop reading, writing, listening and speaking skills.


Christopher Marlowe
Rok vydání
Intermediate B1+ (1400-1900 Headwords)