CLASSIC TALES Elementary 2 The Twelve Dancing Princesses

Arengo, Sue (retold by)

Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780194225465

Oblíbené tradiční pohádkové příběhy upravené pro nejmenší čtenáře. Elementary, level 2, 300 headwords. Poslední kus skladem.

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CLASSIC TALES Elementary 2 The Twelve Dancing Princesses : 9780194225465

97 Kč

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Oblíbené tradiční pohádkové příběhy upravené pro nejmenší čtenáře. Elementary, level 2, 300 headwords. Poslední kus skladem. Description: Twelve beautiful princesses all sleep in the same bedroom. Every morning their shoes are dirty and full of holes. The prince who can tell the King where his daughters go every night can marry one of them. Many princes come and go. One night a soldier with a special magic cloak follows them through a hole in the floor. What does he find there? 'Classic Tales' bring the magic of traditional storytelling into the language classroom. The stories have been carefully graded to provide easy and enjoyable reading practice. Colourful illustrations on every page work closely with the text to help understanding. Each 'Classic Tale' also includes an illustrated glossary and questions and puzzles related to the story.

Oxford University Press
Arengo, Sue (retold by)
Rok vydání
Elementary ( 300 Headwords)