Longman Student Grammar of Spoken and Written English

Douglas Biber,Susan Conrad,Geoffrey Leech

ISBN: 9780582237261

Kniha je určena studentům angličtiny a zaměřuje se na anglickou gramatiku používanou v mluveném a písemném projevu - gramatika poukazuje na rozdíly použití, rozdílnost jazykové struktury...

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Longman Student Grammar of Spoken and Written English : 9780582237261

1,183 Kč

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Kniha je určena studentům angličtiny a zaměřuje se na anglickou gramatiku používanou v mluveném a písemném projevu - gramatika poukazuje na rozdíly použití, rozdílnost jazykové struktury... A comprehensive, corpus-based grammar reference specially written for the advanced student. The Longman Student Grammar of Spoken and Written English provides a thorough examination of the structures of English as it is used today. It shows not only which structures are used but how the choices differ in speech and in different genres of written English. Combines explanations of English grammar with information on how, when and why we use different structures Shows the differences between spoken and written grammar Includes frequency information on the most common forms Can be used with the accompanying workbook as a classroom text, or on its own as a reference grammar

Douglas Biber,Susan Conrad,Geoffrey Leech
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