Number Ten

Sue Townsend

ISBN: 9780241958384

Originální anglická četba - příběh policisty Jacka Sprata, který je požádán premiérem o pomoc při cestě po zemi v utajení...

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Number Ten : 9780241958384

304 Kč

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Originální anglická četba - příběh policisty Jacka Sprata, který je požádán premiérem o pomoc při cestě po zemi v utajení... Jack Sprat is a policeman on the door of Number Ten. When the Prime Minister decides that the only way to get closer to the people on the street is to travel around the country incognito, he enlists Jack's help. For the first time in years, the PM experiences everything his country has to offer. Prime Minister Edward Clare and his wife Adele Floret-Clare live at Number 10 Downing Street. PC Jack Sprat is the policeman who stands outside on the door. Five years ago, Edward Clare was voted into Number 10 after a landslide election result. But now, things are starting to go wrong. The love has gone. The people are turning. In short, it's a very real problem. Edward worries about this. All he wants is for the people of Clare's Britain to like him, and for them to be happy. He enlists the help of Jack Sprat and together they travel round the country incognito, ending up at Jack's childhood home. His mother Norma lives in Leicester, and her address is Number 10 too, but that's where the similarity ends...

Sue Townsend
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