The Experience of Language Teaching. Paperback

Senior, R

Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 9780521612319

Tato kniha poskytuje podrobný obraz o vyučování a učení v komunikativních třídách prostřednictvím praktických zkušeností více než 100 učitelů jazyků.

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The Experience of Language Teaching. Paperback : 9780521612319

1,037 Kč

Více o produktu

Tato kniha poskytuje podrobný obraz o vyučování a učení v komunikativních třídách prostřednictvím praktických zkušeností více než 100 učitelů jazyků. Through the words of more than 100 practising language teachers, The Experience of Language Teaching provides a detailed picture of teaching and learning in communicative classrooms. Using a teacher-generated framework it covers a range of aspects of classroom life: how teachers create environments suitable for language practice, how they get students 'on-side', how they manage tricky students, how they enhance the learning experience, how they develop and maintain a spirit of community. The book demonstrates how paying attention to both the learning and social needs of their class groups enables language teachers to behave in flexible ways that promote learning. This book will be of interest to teachers, teacher educators, researchers and to anyone interested in finding out what it is like to be a language teacher at the present time. Contents: Introduction, Chapter 1: Establishing a Framework for the Book, Chapter 2: Training to be a Language Teacher, Chapter 3: Becoming a Committed Language Teacher, Chapter 4: Establishing the Learning Environment, Chapter 5: The Diversity of the Language Classroom, Chapter 6: Managing Individuals, Chapter 7: Teaching Flexibly, Chapter 8: Vitalising the Language Classroom, Chapter 9: Maintaining the Classroom Community, Chapter 10: Frustrations and Rewards, Chapter 11: What Drives Language Teachers, Chapter 12: Towards a Teacher-Generated Theory of Classroom Practice

Cambridge University Press
Senior, R
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